Transparency is one of our core values in research. At Amsterdam UMC we value research done in a transparent and collaborative way: Open Science. Below you can find our policies and support for several aspects of open science, such as the reuse of data for future research and involving patients in research

Open Access

As part of Open Science, Amsterdam UMC encourages Open Access (OA) publishing and the reuse of data for future research by other groups. Amsterdam UMC policy is to publish all scientific articles of which the corresponding author is working at Amsterdam UMC OA. Therefore, Amsterdam UMC researchers can publish OA via the golden route free of charge in more than 10.000 journals. More than 80% of the articles submitted by Amsterdam UMC authors is published Gold OA, the other 20% is mostly open available through Green OA. Support and information regarding OA publishing is provided by the Medical Library for location AMC and by the UBVU for location VUmc.

FAIR data

For the reuse of data, it is a prerequisite that research data is stored in a Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) way. The Research Data Management department facilitates the creation of FAIR datasets by providing researchers the tools and support for drawing up Data Management Plans. Amsterdam UMC researchers can use the open data repository DataverseNL to share metadata and publish their research FAIR data sets, open or under conditions for reuse.

Patient Involvement in research

Amsterdam UMC wants to actively involve patients in research. Involving patients across various stages of the research process can improve research in multiple ways. Read more about Patient Involvement in research.