The Amsterdam UMC Fellowship aims to attract extremely talented researchers, who have the potential to build, expand and maintain their own successful research group. The Amsterdam UMC Fellowship is awarded once a year, and will be announced on the Amsterdam UMC vacancy site.
Application form for the Amsterdam UMC Fellowship round 2025 can be found here.
The Amsterdam UMC Fellowship is an awarded tenure track, based on the criteria of what is formerly known as the AMC Tenure Track.
The fellowship awards a maximum of €750,000 for the full term of five years (or less for a shorter period, on a pro rata basis), covering the salary of the fellow, the salary of a PhD-student and/or their bench fees.
The selection procedure will only take place if there are sufficient qualified candidates. If the selected candidate meets the criteria, nomination can take place. The fellowship has to be accepted or declined within three months after formal approval.
Amsterdam UMC Fellowship round
The Amsterdam UMC Fellowship round of 2025 is open! You can find the vacancy here: Amsterdam UMC Fellowship 2025 (2 fellows)
- Prestigious personal grant laureates at midcareer level. For example a (nearly) successful completion of a prestigious personal grant at junior postdoc level (NWO VI Veni)
- Alignment of their research topic with one of the eight research institutes of Amsterdam UMC (
- Excellent publication record
- Experience in research management
- Demonstrable affinity with education
- Experience abroad
- Researchers are eligible for application if they received a PhD degree less than six years ago. We adhere to the NWO Extension clause that gives applicants for personal grants additional time on grounds of care responsibilities, medical training, or sick leave.
The Amsterdam UMC fellowship is not open for Amsterdam UMC researchers with a permanent position.
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