Amsterdam UMC Women in Science Fund

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The NWO Aspasia program provides grants to help women scientists progress to higher levels on the career ladder. Aspasia is linked to the Vidi and Vici competitions of the NWO Talent Scheme. The grant is intended to encourage the promotion of women Vidi and Vici grant candidates to senior roles. Additionally, part of the Aspasia grant had to be spend on broad diversity measures to support other women within the organization in their career development.


In 2017 the VUmc Women in Science Fund (WiSF) has been implemented as an Aspasia diversity measure. The fund aims to accelerate the careers of young women scientists and those who identify as such, by providing grants for international scientific work visits, since research experience abroad and setting up international research networks are important steps in a scientific career. In 2023, with financial support from Amsterdam UMC, the scope was broadend to include also AMC/AMR researchers and therefore the name of the fund was adjusted to Amsterdam UMC Women in Science Fund (WiSF).

Eligible candidates

Women researchers and those who identify as such that hold a PhD degree and are employed by VUmc, AMC or AMR in a temporary position can apply.

What to apply for

The fund offers the possibility to apply for a travel grant for both short and long - maximum 12 months - work visits to international research institutes and hospitals. An allowance may be requested for international travel costs and/or local accommodation costs:

  • The allowance for the international travel costs is based on the costs of an economy class flight return ticket and is limited to 2000 euros.
  • The allowance for accommodation costs is limited to 500 euros per week with a maximum of 1000 euros per month.

When to apply

Applications for work visits can be submitted on a continuous basis or until the available budget has been used up. The purpose of the visit may also include research training or research career related training.

Selection procedure

The Amsterdam UMC Women in Science Fund committee, consisting of Aspasia laureates, will evaluate the applications for travel grants based on the indicated criteria at a first-come first-serve basis. Applications will be evaluated throughout the year.

Specific conditions

  1. The applicant has to be employed by Amsterdam UMC (AMC, AMR or VUmc), at the time of application and during the full duration of the visit.
  2. The work visit has to contribute to the purpose of WiSF.
  3. International conferences will not be reimbursed.
  4. Direct research costs are not eligible for funding.
  5. Applications from prior WiSF grant recipients will not be considered.
  6. Work visits for which other funding has already been awarded, are not eligible for funding by WiSF. Irrespectively, WiSF may grant funding for elongation of a work visit when this specifically contributes to the research project and scientific career of the applicant. In this case, only the additional costs of the elongated work visit, i.e. the housing costs of the elongation period, can be financed by WiSF.
  7. The grant in euros is not liable for currency risks due to exchange rate differences.
  8. The researchers will be provided with a budget number to reclaim the costs incurred. Original tickets, boarding passes, accommodation bills and payment receipts need to be provided together with the cost declaration. Cost declaration needs to be filed within three months after completing the visit.
  9. The work visit has to take place within one year after the grant has been awarded. In case of unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances (e.g. natural disasters, a pandemic or war) the candidate can reformulate the proposal and apply again. The original application date will remain used when the first-come-first-serve principle is applied. In case the destination and/or duration of the visit change, a new application must be submitted.
  10. A work report or blog must be submitted to the Women in Science Fund within two months after completing the visit.
  11. Filled in applications can de send to researchsupport [at]
  12. The WiSF committee retains the right to reject an application for reasons other than those described in these terms and conditions.

Committee members

  • Dr. Sandra van Vliet, dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology
  • Prof. dr. Marjolein van Egmond, dept. of Surgery & dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology
  • Dr. Frances Handoko-de Man, dept. of Pulmonology


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