The ACS research institute is led by the ACS directorate consisting of two directors and four members representing both locations of Amsterdam UMC. Additionally each ACS Research Program is managed by two to three Program Leaders who are also part of the ACS Scientific Research Board.

ACS Directorate

Menno de Winther
ACS director

Ronak Delewi
ACS director

Harm Jan Bogaard Photo by Mark van den Brink

Harm Jan Bogaard
ACS directorate member

Peter Hordijk
ACS directorate member

Hilde Herrema
ACS directorate member

Stephan Huveneers
ACS directorate member

Connie Bezzina
ACS directorate member

ACS directorate advisors

Leah Root

Photos by Anita Edrigde, unless otherwise stated

ACS Research Program Leaders

Each Research Program is managed by two or three Program Leaders. These Program Leaders represent the clinical and preclinical research at both locations of Amsterdam UMC. They aim to further enhance synergy and stimulate collaborations among the basic and clinical researchers within their Research Program as well as interactions with other ACS Research Programs. The Program Leaders are also part of the ACS Scientific Research Board (see below).

Heart Failure & Arrhythmias

Connie Bezzina & Bianca Brundel

Pulmonary Hypertension & Thrombosis

Frances de Man & Coen Ottenheijm & Michiel Coppens

Atherosclerosis & Ischemic Syndromes

Bert-Jan van den Born & Stephan Huveneers & Kak Khee Yeung

Diabetes & Metabolism

Ed Eringa & Liffert Vogt & Daniël van Raalte


Erik Bakker & Peter Hordijk

Young ACS

Young ACS is an internal advisory board of upcoming ACS researchers. Young ACS enhances the interaction between the young generation of ACS researchers and the ACS directorate. In addition, Young ACS proposes the scientific content for the monthly and annual ACS symposia.
Chair: Anke Tijsen

Heart Failure & Arrhythmias

Anke Tijsen & Malou van den Boogaard & Tyler Kirby

Pulmonary Hypertension & Thrombosis

Nick van Es & Mariëlle van de Veerdonk

Atherosclerosis & Ischemic Syndromes

Annette Neele & Jeffrey Kroon & Stefan Smorenburg

Diabetes & Metabolism

Elena Rampanelli


Vincent Jongkind

ACS Committees

ACS education committee

Current members: Reinier Boon (chair), Floor van den Dolder, Tariq Dam, Fabienne Podieh, Patricia Vlasman

PhD retreat committee

Current members: Samira van Knippenberg, Sila Algul, Osman Esen, Sarah Hilderink, Carmen Yap, Anna Spiering

Postdoc retreat committee

Current members: Jan Van den Bossche, Nick van Es, Tyler Kirby

Annual ACS conference committee

Current members: Annette Neele, Malou van den Boogaard, Vincent Jongkind, Anke Tijsen

ACS Boards

ACS Valorisation Board

Geert Boink (ACS valorisation officer)

ACS Scientific Research Board

As of January 2019, ACS has a single joint Scientific Research Board for both locations of Amsterdam UMC. The ACS Scientific Research Board consists of the ACS Directorate, all Program Leaders, a delegation of Young ACS and researchers from both locations of Amsterdam UMC.

Majon Muller
Marc Vervloet

Peter Hordijk, Dop Simonides, Frances Handoko-de Man, Hilde Herrema, Joline Beulens, Joris de Groot, Kees Hovingh, Aart Nederveen, Gustav Strijkers, Jose Henriques, Angelique Spoelstra-de Man, Jolanda Kluin, Esther Lutgens, Harm Jan Bogaard, Bert-Jan van den Born, Connie Bezzina, Max Nieuwdorp, Ed Eringa, Bianca Brundel, Anke Tijsen, Jan Piek, Menno de Winther, Saskia Middeldorp, Coen Ottenheijm, Yigal Pinto, Paul Knaapen.

ACS Scientific Research Board Photo by DigiDaan
ACS Scientific Research Board