Theme Sustainability in research


Join us for inspiring discussions with fellow researchers on different aspects of sustainability in research, and research into sustainability over vegan lunch.

You select a ‘menu’ for this lunch, consisting of a selection of four different ‘courses’ at different tables that each cover a different topic. The discussion at each table is led by an internal or external expert discussion leader. Find the preliminary programme with the different topics below. Through this knowledge exchange and shared problem solving, we hope that this event offers you that extra push to implement your sustainability ideals into your research.

Environmental sustainability in the funding landscape
Anne Marie de Beaufort | NWO sustainability management advisor
Silvia Calpe | Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support

Greening of research labs
Aram de Haas* | Sustainability coordinator laboratory division
Green Labs NL representative

Life Cycle Analysis
Lynn Snijder | Sustainability expert, Center for Sustainable Healthcare

Climate change and (global) health
Vanessa Harris | Amsterdam UMC Public Health

Sustainability initiatives and applications in Amsterdam Movement Sciences
Jaap van Netten* | Sustainability coordinator at AMS

Management perspective on (implementation of) sustainability initiatives
Clara Elbers* | Center for Experimental Molecular Medicine, OR AMR BV

Sustainability in Amsterdam UMC
Wouter Hehenkamp | Obstetrics and Gynecology, Center for Sustainable Healthcare

Full invitation

*Amsterdam UMC Seed funding for Environmental Sustainability Research laureate

Date and Location

Time From 11:00 to 15:00
Start date Monday, October 21, 2024
Location The Box, location AMC

Costs and registration

Register here if you are interested in participating, at the latest on October 7th, 2024.

Please note that your registration does not guarantee a spot. If the event is oversubscribed,
attendees will be selected based on diversity and time of registration. Confirmation of your
participation will be sent after the registration deadline, and you will be able to select your ‘menu’ at the start of the event, first come first served. This event will be in English.


This event is sponsored by the Amsterdam UMC Center for Sustainable Healthcare and organized by Simone de Jong (Research Grant Support), Tobias Bartman (Research Policy Office) and Sascha Wegner (Center for Sustainable Healthcare).

Contact for any questions you might have.