In accordance with national regulations, all research conducted within the AGEM institute is evaluated every 6 years using the Strategy Evaluation Protocol (SEP). Results of these evaluations can be found below.

The main goal of the SEP is to maintain and improve the quality and societal relevance
of research as well as to facilitate continuous dialogue about research quality, societal
relevance and viability in the context of research quality assurance. This goal is accomplished by assessing a research unit in light of its own aims and strategy. The main document that forms the basis for the evaluation is a self-evaluation written by the unit, in which it reflects on its aims, strategy and achievements during the previous six years as well as its aims and strategy for the future. The unit presents these elements in a coherent, narrative argument and supports this narrative, wherever possible, with factual evidence derived from well-substantiated indicators. The narrative is further illustrated by one or more case studies.


In 2023, the institute will conduct its first 6-year evaluation using the SEP. This evaluation covers the first six years of AGEM's existence: 2017-2022. Once completed, results of this evaluation will be published here.


The AGEM institute was established in 2017, when AMC and VUmc merged into Amsterdam UMC. At that time, AGEM research was evaluated as part of the strategic evaluation of the AMC as a whole. Results of this evaluation can be found on the University of Amsterdam (UvA) website.