Theme Metabolism
Target audience Researchers
Language English


The monthly Grand Rounds in Pediatric Research are organized by the recently established science committee of the Emma Children's Hospital, to provide a platform for the wonderful scientific projects and developments in and around the Emma Children's Hospital, as well as to increase cooperation and visibility of (young) researchers.

Recently, the science committee of the Emma Children's Hospital was established in order to organize the monthly Grand Rounds in Pediatric Research. These Grand Rounds will provide a platform for the wonderful scientific projects and developments in and around the Emma Children's Hospital, as well as to increase cooperation and visibility of (young) researchers.

These Grand Rounds are open for all employees of the Amsterdam UMC. Especially the presence of the researchers, staff physicians and physician assistants at the Emma Children's Hospital is highly anticipated.

On Thursday December 14th, the new EKZ Grand Rounds in Pediatric Research seminar series will kick off with its first lecture by prof. dr. Marlies Schijven, surgeon and professor of 'Simulation, Serious Gaming and Applied Mobile Healthcare' at the Amsterdam UMC.

You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think; when the going gets tough

Date and Location

Time From 08:30 to 9:00
Start date Thursday, December 14, 2023
Location Collegezaal 2, location AMC, Amsterdam UMC

Costs and registration

Free of charge and registration not needed.
