Theme Intensive Care Medicine
Target audience Researchers, clinicians and nurses
Language Dutch and English


We are pleased to announce the fourth edition of the 'Translational Intensive Care Medicine - The Amsterdam Symposium' for November 15, 2024.

During this symposium, a broad spectrum of topics will be discussed, all related to Translational Intensive Care Medicine. The symposium is intended for researchers, physicians and nurses who have an affinity with Intensive Care Medicine.

We hope to meet you on November 15.

On behalf of the symposium committee,

Prof. dr. Alexander P.J. Vlaar and dr. Lieuwe D.J. Bos

More information

Date and Location

Time From 9:00 to 17:00
Start date Friday, November 15, 2024
Location Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam

Costs and registration

€295,- for medical specialists & fellows
€130,- for nurses & researchers (PhD candidates)

Register here
