AGEM awards various prices, such as best publication, best abstract and best pitch awards, to AGEM PhD candidates and postdocs. One of these awards is the 'best publication award', that has been granted annually since 2018.

The award, €250 and a certificate, goes to a PhD candidate or Postdoc (within 5 years after obtaining their PhD degree) who has published as first author in a top journal that year. PIs and group leaders are given the chance to nominate the top researchers from their group. From these nominees, the research board picks approx. 5 promising candidates who get the chance to present their publication in a 5 minute pitch during the AGEM annual retreat or another event. Prior to the event, the nominees are invited to participate in a pitch workshop. During the event, all the participants will vote to decide who wins the ‘best publication’ award.

Winners of the best publication award


Sebastian Hendrix, for his publication Hepatic SREBP signaling requires SPRING to govern systemic lipid metabolism in mice and humans in Nature Communications.


Charlotte van Veldhuisen, for her publication Bihormonal Artificial Pancreas With Closed-Loop Glucose Control vs Current Diabetes Care After Total Pancreatectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial in JAMA Surgery.


Sanne van der Veen, for her publication Predicting the Development of Anti-Drug Antibodies against Recombinant alpha-Galactosidase A in Male Patients with Classical Fabry Disease in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.


Since the annual AGEM Retreat and the pitch battle were cancelled due to COVID-19, AGEM decided to give the reward to all three nominees:

Thijs de Rooij, for his publication Minimally Invasive Versus Open Distal Pancreatectomy (LEOPARD) in Annals of Surgery.

Marjolein van den Boogert, for her publication N-Glycosylation Defects in Humans Lower Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Through Increased Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Expression in Circulation.

Joanne Donkers, for her publication NTCP deficiency in mice protects against obesity and hepatosteatosis in JCI Insight.


Arwen Gao, for her publication Natural genetic variation in C. elegans identified genomic loci controlling metabolite levels in Genome Research.

Sophie Lodenstijn, for her publication Stem cell functionality is microenvironmentally defined during tumour expansion and therapy response in colon cancer in Nature Cell Biology.


Anneloes Opperhuizen, for her publication Light at night acutely impairs glucose tolerance in a time-, intensity- and wavelength-dependent manner in rats.

Header: Sanne van der Veen, laureate of the AGEM best publication award in 2020.