We invite you to the fourth edition of APH Junified, a yearly returning event exclusively by and for APH early and midcareer researchers. This year’s edition, themed ‘Boost your Impact’, takes place on June 25, at Hotel Casa, Amsterdam (13:00-18:00). APH’s vice-director Dionne Kringos will be the host of the event.

What’s in it for you?

APH Junified 2024 provides you with an inspiring keynote and empowering workshopsto boost your research impact! Moreover, the event provides an excellent opportunity to network and meet other APH researchers.

We kick off at 13:30h with an inspiring keynote by Jop de Vrieze during the plenary session. This first part of the afternoon will be closed by a short break. In the second part of the afternoon, you have the possibility to attend a workshop of your choice. NB: all workshops have a maximum number of attendees.

  • Workshop A – How to create Impact – Diane Schöller & Michiel Greidanus (max 35 pers.)
  • Workshop B – Improve Your Online Presence – Felix Weijdema & Najoua Ryane (max 35 pers.)
  • Workshop C – Workshop Creative science communication - Liesbeth Smit

    (max 45 pers.)

We end the day with each other with drinks and appetizers and. During the drinks, we will set up a wall with a selection of poetry from APH-researchers who patricipated in the APH Poetry Competition. By exhibiting your poem, you also have a chance to be selected as one of the winners and receive a fantastic prize: a voucher with a value of €100 for the poem with the most votes!

See below more information about the keynote speaker, the workshops and the APH Poetry Competition.

Download program



Keynote presentation

Keynote: Science through the lens of the media

By: Jop de Vrieze

Jop de Vrieze Jop de Vrieze

What makes science newsworthy? How can scientific research capture media attention? What is it like to work with scientists? These are the questions that Jop de Vrieze will address in his keynote lecture at this year's symposium on impact.

Jop de Vrieze, a distinguished science journalist from Utrecht, has been a full-time freelancer since 2008. With a background in biomedical sciences and science communication, Jop has a keen pen and a critical, broad perspective. His work primarily focuses on the intersection of science and society, resulting in popular science books such as Allemaal Beestjes and De Karakterman.

Throughout his career, Jop has earned accolades for his investigative approach to science journalism, including the 2014 publication prize from the Association of Science Journalists and the prestigious 2016 AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Gold Award. His extensive experience in the field has made him a critical follower of science and its surrounding issues, particularly in projects related to scientific practices and vaccinations.

During his keynote, Jop will share strategies for ensuring scientific discoveries are picked up by the media, maximizing their societal impact. He will also provide insights into the dynamics of working with scientists, illustrated through engaging anecdotes from his career. Jop's lecture promises to offer valuable guidance for scientists eager to enhance the impact of their research through effective communication and media engagement.


Workshop A: How to create Impact

By: Diane Schöller and Michiel Greidanus

Diane Schöller Diane Schöller

Michiel Greidanus Michiel Greidanus

Nowadays, research impact is a hot topic in the field of research, and even most funding organizations and councils need proof of research impact from applicants in order to ensure that the money they spend on research will result in a great deal of benefit. The impact of research might be on many aspects, ranging from academia to the society and the environment; therefore, different organizations may be interested in different aspects of your research impact while you are applying for a grant. Demonstrating the impact of your research can also help you advance as a researcher by raising your academic profile and benefiting your career this way. During the Increasing Research Impact workshop, Diane Schöller and Michiel Greidanus will guide you through defining research impact for your work, providing assessment instruction, and offering tips on how to share your article to maximize its impact after publication.

Diane Schöller is an Impact Developer at Amsterdam Public Health and advises the researchers on their impact ideas to help them determine the most appropriate impact strategy.

Michiel Greidanus is a researcher at the Coronel Institute for Work and Health (Amsterdam UMC), conducting research work, aiming to increase labor participation of people with cancer. In addition to his research activities, Michiel holds a position as secretary of the National Cancer and Work Day Foundation and teaches courses at the University of Amsterdam, including “work and health” topic.

Workshop B: Improve Your Online Presence

By: Felix Weijdemea and Najoua Ryane

Felix Weijdema Felix Weijdema
Najoua Ryane Najoua Ryane

In contrast to the common opinion, researchers should continue to work hard even after their work is published! In order to secure opportunities for collaboration and an increase in citations for your work, it is essential to self-promote your research work to enhance visibility. This will benefit you by raising the profile of your work in your field, increasing the number of citations and downloads of your work, increasing funding and collaboration opportunities, and having more of an impact on society. Making a successful brand demands a great deal of work, and preparation since researchers are their own brands, and can provide challenges at times. But don't worry; Felix Weijdema and Najoua Ryane are going to show you how to effectively promote your own research at the Branding and Visibility workshop!

Felix Weijdema isthe faculty liaison for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.He is in the position of providing and instructing the faculty's staff members on scientific information, such as Visibility Check.

Najoua Ryane works as a faculty liaison in medicine with a background in biology (research) and experience as policy Officer and Board member Marketing and communication.

Workshop C: Workshop Creative science communication

By: Liesbeth Smit

Liesbeth Smit Liesbeth Smit

What do you consider impact? Is it publishing a peer-reviewed paper, and hoping a lot of people will read it? In this workshop we look beyond academia and make you think about your goal, audience and the message you are sending. How do you plan to achieve that people want to pay attention to what you are saying?

Using short interactive exercises, we help you determine your message and goal (spoiler alert: it’s never just ‘informing’ the public). We then zoom in to help you step into the shoes of your target audience, and teach you what steps you need to take to prevent your message from being misunderstood. We briefly cover all aspects of science communication and how they can contribute to your impact as a scientist. Whether it’s writing a paper, giving a presentation, creating an infographic, being visible on social media, or appearing in a television show.

Liesbeth Smit makes science sexy! She is a (web) designer, science communicator, registered nutritional scientist, speaker on nutrition & misinformation, and co-author of books on healthy nutrition (Eet als een expert) and presentation design (Cause an Effect).

APH Poetry Competition

This year’s edition of APH Junified is themed ‘Boost your Impact’. Therefore, you are invited to compose a poem outlining the significance of impactful public health research. The top five poems will be chosen for a voting round taking place during the APH Junified Symposium Day on June 25, 2024. The winner will receive a fantastic prize: a voucher with a value of €100. All kinds of poems are welcome: rhyming, not rhyming, short, long,etc... So, we encourage you to be creative! Will you participate in this competition to create poems that express the spirit of innovation and impact in public health?

  • You are affiliated to APH (checked in PURE, see APH website for affiliation instructions).
  • You are present at the APH Junified closing ceremony to redeem your prize, if your poem is among the five selected poems.
  • Submit your poem via aph@amsterdamumc.nl before Monday June 17th, 2024, 13:00 hrs.!