Each year, Cancer Center Amsterdam offers several funding possibilities to stimulate innovative cancer research. There is an annual Cancer Center Amsterdam Call for proposals, supported by financing from the Cancer Center Amsterdam Foundation. There are also possibilities to apply for travel grants. CCA also contributes to printing of PhD theses.

Financial subsidy for thesis publication

Starting in April 2021, Cancer Center Amsterdam will contribute €250 towards the printing costs of theses for Cancer Center Amsterdam candidates.

Eligibility requirements

The following conditions are required: 

  • the PhD candidate must be registered with the institute (in Hora Finita for VUmc PhD-students), receives mails and newsletters, either from the beginning of the project, or as of the start of the institute;
  • the PhD candidate participated in at least one Cancer Center Amsterdam retreat;
  • the majority of the publications of the PhD thesis appearing after 1-1-2019 name Cancer Center Amsterdam as affiliation (see Research information for correct affiliation for publications and theses);
  • the PhD candidate must inform the institute of the title, time, date and place of the thesis defense as soon as a date has been set, including the names of the (co)promotors;
  • the application for printing costs must be sent in and approved before the thesis has been printed, since the text below has to be printed in the thesis.
  • the declaration of the actual costs must be done within 3 months after the printing costs are made.


The PhD candidate should send the application form to cca@amsterdamumc.nl

Application form:

Application form CCA contribution printing costs thesis

Incomplete applications and declarations submitted later than 3 months after the printing costs are made will not be taken into consideration.


If your application is approved the following text must be printed in the thesis:

“Financial support for printing of this thesis was kindly provided and supported by Cancer Center Amsterdam”.


Declaration of the actual costs must be done within 3 months after the printing costs are made. Proof of payment of the printing costs and the Cancer Center Amsterdam mail stating your application has been approved must be included in the declaration. You will receive the declaration instructions once your application has been approved.

Call for Cancer Center Amsterdam Proof of Concept (PoC) studies 2024

After the succes of last year, the board of Cancer Center Amsterdam is pleased to announce another call for Proof of Concept (PoC) studies. This grant is made available through the fundraising activities of the Cancer Center Amsterdam Foundation.


To translate promising research findings from our own (Amsterdam UMC) preclinical research into a clinical Proof-of-Concept study in man. If successful, the data generated in this PoC is expected to lead to a larger clinical trial. Applications must be submitted via the chair(s) of a patient-research group (see the documents for more details). Selected pre-proposals will be discussed in a meeting with experts to optimize and improve the proposed clinical project.


Open for submissions.
Deadline pre-proposals: August 28, 2024 at 23:59.
Dealine full proposals: November 3, 2024 at 23:59.

Documents for this call

Conditions CCA PoC call 2024

Pre-proposal form CCA PoC studies 2024

Cancer Center Amsterdam Call 2024

Internal CCA grants are made ​​possible through the fundraising activities of the Cancer Center Amsterdam Foundation. Amsterdam UMC researchers are invited to submit project proposals involving cancer research, including translational, clinical and quality of life projects.


Internal CCA grants aim to fund innovative projects with a high potential that are not ready to submit for funding elsewhere. The ultimate goal to allow aspiring researchers’ promising lines of research a chance to obtain enough data so that a robust proposal can be submitted to external funding agencies, like the Dutch Cancer Society or the Dutch Research Council. Therefore, if substantial preliminary data is already available, your chances to receive internal CCA funding will be limited and we recommend that you submit your project elsewhere.


Open for submissions.
Deadline pre-proposals: August 28, 2024 at 23:59.
Dealine full proposals: November 3, 2024 at 23:59.

Documents for this call

Conditions CCA call 2024

Pre-proposal form CCA call 2024

CCA travel grant


The Cancer Center Amsterdam awards travel grants to provide PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, research technicians, research nurses and 'laboranten' the opportunity to travel and receive training in novel methods and/or techniques (both preclinical and clinical) abroad. Both the recipients and CCA should benefit from these work visits. For the recipient, the new methods should support their research, and the experience abroad will improve their CV and help with future grant applications. The benefits for CCA include expansion of international networking and the accrual of novel technologies.

You can apply for a stay of 1-2 months abroad, with a maximum of 2250 euro per grant).


Continuous open for application until the maximum of the annual budget (25,000 euro) is reached.


Read more about the conditions is the pdf document and dowload the application form.

CCA travel grants

Application form CCA travel grants