• 1.7 million euros for research into improved treatment for patients with cancer
    1.7 million euros for research into improved treatment for patients with cancer KWF awards 12.4 million euros to 17 projects that are very diverse, but do have a common denominator: all studies aim at improving quality of life for patients with cancer. Amsterdam UMC Cancer Center Amsterdam receives 3 awards totaling 1.7 million euros for improved treatments for patients with cancer. The projects focus on patients with metastatic ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer and Kahler's disease.
  • Brain tumor affects patient's mood
    Brain tumor affects patient's mood Research from Amsterdam UMC shows: mood disorders in patients with brain tumors are related to the location of the tumor. "The tumor is sometimes located deep in the brain, where emotions are processed. This explains why depressive feelings are more common for patients with a brain tumor," according to Philip de Witt Hamer, neurosurgeon at Amsterdam UMC Cancer Center Amsterdam.
  • New Global Research Aims to Improve Survival Rates for Pancreatic Cancer Patients
    New Global Research Aims to Improve Survival Rates for Pancreatic Cancer Patients A new study published today in JAMA Network Open by an international cohort of researchers provides the latest data on the effectiveness of treating pancreatic adenocarcinoma (hereafter: pancreatic cancer) patients with chemotherapy (with or without radiation therapy) before surgery to remove a tumor.

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