The previously established Research Network (Research Netwerk) has been revitalized and rebranded as the 'Human Research Network' (Netwerk Mensgebonden Onderzoek - NMO). This platform is designed to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among professionals involved in human-centered research. It also provides opportunities to host guest speakers who can address specific research topics.

How to join

Interested in becoming a member? Joining the Human Research Network is easy via the Teams app on your computer. Simply click "Join a team" in the lower-left corner and enter the code loehk91. Once you're in, you can engage with colleagues, ask questions, and share ideas.

Launch event – October 24

Preparations are underway for the network’s official launch on October 24. During this event, the Clinical Monitoring Center (CMC) from Amsterdam UMC will give presentations on the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) and the Research Institution Suitability Statement (Verklaring Geschiktheid Onderzoeksinstelling - VGO). Want to attend? Make sure to fill out the poll on the Teams page by October 1.

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