

Within Amsterdam UMC, researchers and their team gathered to form an organoid center that enables the use of human organoids for studying human biology and tackling human diseases. The Organoid Center Amsterdam UMC (ORCAU) aims to connect experts in organoid technology, train researchers and disseminate organoid research.

At the moment, ORCAU consists of 14 research groups operating within Amsterdam UMC. These include the Bijlsma Group, CEMM – Molecular Oncology, Complex Ophthalmogenetics, DigeST, Environmental control of the immune system, Immunohematology, Huntington Disease proteostasis group, LEXOR, Lisa van Baarsen Lab, OrganoVIR Labs, Skinlab, RIRE (renal injury and repair), Stem Cell Biology, and Tas Group.

Date and Location

Time From 12.00 PM to 6.30 PM
Start date Thursday, November 23, 2023
Location Collegezaal 4, Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, Meibergdreef 9

Costs and registration

Register before the 15th of October 2023 for ORCAU’s upcoming symposium! Register here. Only limited spots available.

If you would like to be a part of the programme, you can submit an abstract before the 30th of September 2023. Please email abstracts to


For questions, please contact the organization committee.