You may have already seen it on LinkedIn or X: scientists are joining forces by showing the future Dutch cabinet that their research is essential for the Netherlands to move forward. That is why they are sharing what their research contributes to our society and calling for an end to the cost-cutting on scientific research. Will you join them?

The coalition parties have indicated that they want to make substantial cuts in science and innovation. For example, the ‘Groeifonds’ (Growing Fund) will be phased out (6.8 billion euros) and the ‘Fonds Onderzoek en Wetenschap’ (Research and Science Fund) will be cut by 1.1 billion euros. In addition, the parties want to cut 215 million euros per year from the ‘sectorplannen’ (sector plans). This means that over the next 10 years a total of 8.7 billion euros will be cut on research, education and innovation.


These cuts are disastrous for the future of the Netherlands. Many of the solutions to the problems we are facing as a society are based on scientific research. For example the healthcare system that is under pressure, the issue of food insecurity, inequalities in health between different groups of people and climate issues. Above all, every euro invested in science and innovation yields a fourfold return for society. Therefore, budget cuts in science are bad for the Netherlands in the long run.


Do you also want to call on politicians to stand up for scientific research? Create your own social media post and check the NFU’s website for the Dutch texts, illustrations and (hash)tags you can use.

Additionally, you can refer to the LinkedIn post below by our director, Joppe Hovius, as an example:

Foto: Amsterdam UMC