Funding and research grants

  • WMO
  • Non-WMO

Selecting a funding source involves finding a sponsor with goals that align with a given research project or your personal research goals, finding an opportunity for which a PI or team would be eligible to pursue.

Acquisition and application support

The Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support (RGS) staff offers tailor-made services to researchers on both locations in Amsterdam UMC in supporting the acquisition of national and European research grants fostering successful and excellent scientific research in Amsterdam UMC. Targeted grants support services are catered to the specific needs of Amsterdam UMC applicants applying to e.g. EU funding programmes, prestigious national consortium grants and the NWO Talent Programme as well as other prestigious ‘talent’ grants.

Once a funding source is selected, accurate classification not only determines which office handles the proposal, it also ensures appropriate management, compliance, and streamlines review and approval, see guidelines Amsterdam UMC: AMC Intranet - Guideline financial management of research grants.

Funding for research can come from:

  • Direct government funding
  • Indirect government funding (e.g. NWO, EU and ZonMw)
  • Charity funds (e.g. KWF Cancer Foundation, Dutch Heart Foundation)
  • Industry

    For example, the RGS office provides assistance to researchers taking part in:

    Relevant grant opportunities are announced in the weekly e-newsletter called Yellow Pages. Please send an email to to subscribe/unsubscribe

    Contact via email:

      Grants overview

      For up to date details on different grants and grant providers visit the general service page of Research Grant Support.