Two researchers affiliated with ACS received the prestigious Vici grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Max Nieuwdorp and Stan van de Graaf each received 1.5 million euros to develop a new innovative line of research for the coming five years.

Vici is one of the largest scientific grants for individuals in the Netherlands and targets advanced researchers who have successfully demonstrated the ability to develop their own innovative lines of research, and to act as coaches for young researchers. This year, 44 proposals were submitted in the health domain (ZonMw). Six proposals (14%) were awarded a grant of which two went to ACS researchers!

Max Nieuwdorp - Dietary fructose and its effect on microbiota and insulin resistance in obese subjects from different ethnic descent

The lifelong diabetes risk is quite different between Dutch citizens of different ethnic descent. The investigators aim to dissect interaction between dietary fructose and gut microbiota composition affects insulin resistance in obese subjects from different ethnic descent and if treatment with specific bacterial strains can provide a personalized medicine solution.

Stan van de Graaf - Hepatic bile acid uptake as a target to halt the fatty liver epidemic

After a meal, substances from the liver (called bile acids) provide a temporary signal that lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood dampens inflammation and reduces hepatic fat accumulation. The researchers want to exploit this signal to combat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Source: NWO