About Legal Research Support (LRS)

The department of Legal Research Support (LRS) provides support on legal issues regarding (medical) research, including clinical trials, pre-clinical lab research, intellectual property, privacy and EU projects.

They provide various types of legal services regarding your research:

  • the review and drafting of specific (medical) research related agreements;
  • general advice concerning legal issues related to (medical) research.

Our legal team consists of legal counsels and contract officers. We will provide you with various types of legal services regarding your research projects, including the review and drafting of (medical) research related agreements.

LRS will advise you only on the following agreements:
- Clinical Trial Agreements;
- Consortium Agreements;
- Data Registry Agreements & Data Sharing Agreements;
- IP Assignment;
- Joint Ownership Agreements;
- License Agreements;
- Material Transfer Agreements with commercial parties;
- Research Collaboration Agreements;
- Study Support Agreements.

Other agreements may be arranged between parties with the provided templates without consulting LRS. Please consider the following risk analysis. For the avoidance of any doubt, this risk analysis is not exhaustive and LRS will not take any responsibility for agreements that are not reviewed by LRS.

Whom to contact

Please send your contract request with all relevant documents using the intake form NL or intake form EN to lrs@amsterdamumc.nl. Relevant documents include for example a study protocol or project plan, a PB&IB form, a received contract from a third party, declaration of approval of the non-WMO review committee or biobank review committee (CTB), if applicable etc.

o you have any questions regarding the signature process of research related agreements which are reviewed by LRS? Please send your question to lrscontractrouting@amsterdamumc.nl.