Amsterdam UMC internal grants

Amsterdam UMC Postdoc Career Bridging Grant

This postdoc position gives Amsterdam UMC Principal Investigators the opportunity to attract talented early career researchers from outside the Amsterdam UMC. The researcher is (or will be) embedded in a research group of a principal investigator (PI) at Amsterdam UMC. The position gives candidates the opportunity to strengthen their academic profile by generating scientific and societal impact with a view of improving chances of obtaining future EU (MSCA-PF, ERC-StG) or national (NWO-VENI) personal grants. The grant amounts to a maximum of € 125,000, with a maximum of € 100,000 to cover salary for a minimum duration of 1 year and a maximum of € 25,000 to cover other costs (for example; training, consumables, outreach activities). Mandatory departmental co-funding of an additional € 20,000 on top of the grant amount has to be committed for the application to be eligible, which has to be spent to the benefit of the project (to be outlined in the budget proposal).

More information can be found here: Amsterdam UMC intranet - Postdoc Career Bridging Grant

Starter Grant in Amsterdam UMC

The Starter Grant is an instrument set out in the Netherlands in 2022. The aim is to improve continuity of research lines, reduce workload and create space for unbound research. Starter Grants are meant for recently appointed UDs to provide a foundation for their research lines. The maximum amount per Starter Grant is € 150,000 in Amsterdam UMC, and the duration is 6 years.

More information can be found here: Amsterdam UMC Intranet - Starter Grant in Amsterdam UMC

Other documents and links of relevance:

Seed funding for Environmental Sustainability Research

The goal of the Seed funding for Environmental Sustainability Research call is to inspire researchers in Amsterdam UMC to include environmental sustainability in healthcare in their research, or to engage into new projects with a special focus on environmental sustainability. Projects can be focused on measuring and mitigating the environmental impact of research, education or healthcare delivery and systems. Applicants can submit a proposal promoting environmental sustainability within theImplementation (maximum € 30,000) or Innovation pillar (maximum € 60,000).

More information can be found here: Amsterdam UMC Intranet - Seed funding for Environmental Sustainability Research

Other internal grant opportunities (under construction)

- Amsterdam University Fund - Start stipendium for Young Talents
- Amsterdam UMC Fellowship