Research Data Catalogue

An Amsterdam UMC collection of centralized integrated research data platform.

About the Research Data Catalogue

Amsterdam UMC offers an excellent scientific environment through the integration of patient care, research and education. Therefore, a data infrastructure is built with contains information regarding its (bio)medical studies and cohorts listed in a catalogue. These studies encompass broad information and data such as medical data, research data and variable information resources. Importantly, all of them are integrated into a common data infrastructure of clinical data, medical images and body materials.

Amsterdam UMC emphasizes the importance of access to research data, open if possible and restricted if necessary. Reusing data through the research data catalogue reduces of double data collection, which is unnecessary and time-consuming. The research data catalogue not only is a collection of centralized data within Amsterdam UMC, it also is a platform for sharing research data with national and international organizations.


The research data catalogue presents an overview of the data-collections, potentially available for data reuse. Please also have a look at our pages to learn more about Amsterdam UMC public health cohorts and registries to discover available data, or to submit an application for cohort or registry data.

Learn about our cohort studies

Our data catalogue is a central hub to connect the data that are related to public health research within AUMC including cohort studies and registries that are implemented by Amsterdam Public Health Institute (APH) . You can Cohorts & registries ( to find more information.

Conditions for data reuse

The Amsterdam UMC promotes sharing of data, unless prohibited by intellectual and commercial interest. Practically, there are a number of things that are needed to be taken into account. For example, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), data handling, license types, study-design, collaboration etc. You can also visit to the following websites to get hands-on information about data-sharing and research policies of Amsterdam UMC.

Sharing data | Health-RI

Research Roadmap Amsterdam UMC

Can we use data for another purpose? (

Any application for the reuse of data will be submitted to our Data Access Committee. This committee will consider several or all of the following criteria:

  • The approval of the participants allows for further research using this dataset, including linkage (privacy, informed consent)
  • Collaboration in using the dataset, including agreements on publication and authorship
  • Agreements on methodology
  • The sharing of data for commercial purposes, taking into account the provisions of state aid law
  • Conditions related to data security
  • The way in which the data is made available
  • The period of access
  • Reimbursement for costs, e.g. in obtaining the data

After approval of your request by the Data Access Committee, a Data Transfer Agreement between your institution and AUMC should be set by your and Amsterdam UMCs legal advisors.

Contact & submit your request

Are you looking to acquire and re-use data? Do you want to discuss a potential partnership? Please send your request to

If you are an external party, please indicate your country, institution or company, status of your institution, your full-name, contact details, your position and your request.