Reuse of health care data

The electronic health record (EHR, e.g. Epic) contains an extensive amount of health care data, which may also be relevant for scientific research. EHR data can help you determine how many patients are potentially eligible for inclusion in a study and identify potential candidates. Reports can be used to display and summarize data within Epic, which may desirable in long-term registrations in which these data are part of the care process. Finally, existing structured data can be extracted from the EHR.

Health care data may not be reused without respecting patient privacy and autonomy. All conditions for reuse of health care data for the purpose of scientific research are therefore described in the SOP Reuse of health care data for the purpose of research, which translates relevant legislation into a concrete procedure across Amsterdam UMC. The SOP and corresponding forms can be found under Procedures and templates.

Before data, an image, a report or a cohort identification can be released, the study must have been reviewed by the METC or a healthcare evaluation must have been ordered. Submit the request form for data extraction to the RDM helpdesk.

For data regarding Evaluation of Health Care or Quality of Care, please check the requirements and procedure as forwarded by the Data Protection Officer:  Aanvraag Zorgevaluatie

Below is a list of the available tools and the corresponding areas of application: