Data publication & archiving


After publication of the manuscript study information can be published. Metadata of the study and the data collection can be published in a catalogue or repository. All Amsterdam UMC researchers have free access to Amsterdam UMC DataverseNL (meta)data repository. On this platform you can fill in a standard form (Dublin Core metadata standard) with a minimum set of metadata fields to comply with the FAIR research data management principles. In addition, you can upload rich metadata to increase the findability and interoperability of your data (e.g., study protocols, data dictionary or codebook). Please note that publishing your metadata is mandatory according to Amsterdam UMC policy. For each (meta)data publication, an automatic standard data citation and a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) are created.

When you’re in this phase of a research project, please contact the RDM Helpdesk for futher support or consult the Amsterdam UMC DataverseNL Workinstructions in Amsterdam UMC DataVerseNL.


Data files and metadata must be stored at a storage facility within Amsterdam UMC or at an institution with which Amsterdam UMC has a processors agreement about data storage (for example SURF).

For more information on archiving and publication contact the RDM Helpdesk