Career options

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Your career opportunities as a postdoc are heavily influenced by the possibilities in your department or division. Therefore these should first be discussed with your department head and your PI, for example during your Annual Interview. In addition, Amsterdam UMC offers a limited number of opportunities. Keep in mind that in the Netherlands and at Amsterdam UMC, the amount of talented and very motivated postdoctoral researchers unfortunately highly outnumbers the amount of tenured positions.

Amsterdam UMC Fellowship

The Amsterdam UMC Fellowship is a 5 year Fellowship that aims to attract extremely talented postdoctoral researchers on a temporary contract, who have the potential to build, expand and maintain their own successful research group.

Amsterdam UMC Tenure Track and Career track

The tenure track is open to a limited group of very talented researchers to lead them to a permanent contract. Furthermore, Amsterdam UMC has a Career Track which is intended for researchers who are expected to advance to professorship within a given time period.

The Principal Investigator system

The goal of the PI-system is to increase the visibility of established researchers at Amsterdam UMC and offer them a chance to become Principal Investigator. Principal Investigators distinguish themselves by leading their own research group.

More information about the PI nomination can be found here.

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