HR information for PostDocs

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For any questions concerning Human Resources please contact the HR websites of Amsterdam UMC (Dutch) or Research BV LtD (Dutch) / Research BV LtD (English). Here you can find information on salaries (see also the CAO UMC), (pregnancy) leave, and mental health. An overview of the HR advisors per department can be found here for Amsterdam UMC (Dutch) and here for Amsterdam UMC Research BV..

Note that postdoctoral researchers are entitled to an extension of employement for the duration of pregnancy and maternity leave. More information on this is given here.

Information on confidential counsellors and the Ombudsman can be found here.

For postdocs from abroad who are appointed at the Research BV: HR Research BV offers help with several requirements or regulations, such as the 30% tax ruling, considering international employees. For information contact

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