Research Grant Support offers support and advise in applying for external research grants, such as European fellowships (ERC, MSCA). In addition, Amsterdam UMC offers various internal grants specifically for postdoctoral researchers. For an overview of these internal and external grants, please check this link.
Research institutes have their own grants particularly for postdoctoral researchers affiliated with their research institutes. For an overview of these internal and external grants, please check this link.
The Women in Science fund is a travel grant for female Amsterdam UMC postdoctoral researchers to promote their career by providing grants for work visits to extend their international network.
The Amsterdam UMC - Postdoc Career Bridging Grant gives Amsterdam UMC Principal Investigators the opportunity to attract talented postdoc researchers from outside Amsterdam UMC.
The Amsterdam UMC Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships is a travel grant for incoming fellows to visit prospective host Principal Investigators at Amsterdam UMC to facilitate development of a proposal of the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship.
The Startstipendium from the Spinoza Fund of the Amsterdam University Fund (AUF) will support eight talented researchers (one per research institute) and one talented teacher of Amsterdam UMC/the Amsterdam Research bv in 2024 with €25.000 each, to advance their professional career. Please note that the funds cannot be used for your own salary.